Hi, I'm Pranav.

I'm a doctoral researcher in the computational pain and aversive learning lab at the University of Oxford advised by Prof. Ben Seymour (NDCN, IBME) and co-advised by Dr. Ioannis Havoutis (ORI). My background is in engineering and I'm currently researching broadly in the Neuro-AI field, with an interest in safe AI. Key motivations in Neuro-AI research are two-fold, using advancements from AI to generate useful hypothesis for neuroscience and using insights from neuroscience to develop better algorithms for AI.

I'm introverted. I'm a cheerful pessimist. I try to keep thinking about conflicting ideas for longer periods and I find paradoxes deeply interesting. Much of my work is very interdisciplinary and I'm quite comfortable being an outsider in a new field of study. 

I sketch sometimes (digitally) and enjoy electronic music. I am an Indian native from Pune city and I now live in Oxford, UK. 

You can read my blog here or subscribe to my substack :) 



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Want to get in touch? 

Email me at pranav[dot]mahajan[at]ndcn.ox.ac.uk

© Pranav Mahajan